If your child suffered an injury during birth, you may be entitled to compensation for the long-term costs of their care. These include medical expenses, ongoing therapy, and treatment, cost of special equipment, and home modifications.
Atlanta Birth Injury Attorneys can help you recover fair compensation for your family’s losses. They investigate and build a strong case and handle communication with insurance companies and medical providers on your behalf.

Medical malpractice happens when a healthcare professional violates the accepted standards of care in treating their patient. When this occurs during childbirth, it can result in long-term injuries to the infant or mother. A Rochester birth injury attorney can help the victims of medical malpractice receive compensation.
To win a medical malpractice case, the injured party needs to prove that the healthcare provider acted negligently or recklessly during pregnancy, labor and delivery. They must also show that this careless behavior caused the victim’s injury. To make this case, the attorney must gather evidence such as medical records, expert opinions and witness statements. The medical providers must also have malpractice insurance to cover any damages awarded in a successful claim.
The cost of caring for an infant with a serious birth injury can be overwhelming. These expenses can include long-term medical treatments, therapies, specialized equipment, home accommodations and other necessities. Compensation can help alleviate the financial burden for the family and give them closure on this difficult chapter of their lives.
Bringing a legal claim against a health care provider may not undo the damage of an injury, but it can provide resources for a disabled child’s future and motivate improved safety training in hospitals. The legal process can also secure financial awards for non-economic damages such as emotional distress and pain and suffering.
It takes two-and-a-half years to file a birth injury claim in New York, but it can take even longer to notice an injury in a baby. If you suspect that your infant suffered a birth injury because of medical negligence, contact a skilled Rochester birth injury lawyer today to schedule a consultation.
Wrongful Birth
The birth of a child is supposed to be one of the most joyful moments in life, but medical mistakes can quickly turn that into an experience filled with trauma. If a medical professional’s negligence caused your child to suffer from an injury during or shortly after their birth, then you may be eligible to file a wrongful birth lawsuit against that doctor and hospital.
Wrongful birth claims seek compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial costs associated with raising a disabled child. This can include a wide range of damages, including the cost of treatment and therapy, loss of income, and pain and suffering. It can also cover the expenses of special education, specialized equipment, and in-home nursing care.
Many of these damages are also referred to as noneconomic damages. These damages can be difficult to calculate and may require expert testimony in order to determine their value. Depending on your state’s laws, there may be a cap on these types of damages as well.
When pursuing a wrongful birth claim, it is important to work with an attorney who has extensive experience in this area of law. Wrongful birth cases can be complicated, and working with a lawyer who has a track record of success in these matters will give you the best chance of winning a substantial amount of money in your case. Some attorneys work at national firms that handle these kinds of claims in various states, and they can leverage their firm’s resources to help you receive the maximum compensation possible. They can also make sure that your lawsuit is filed within the appropriate statute of limitations in your state.
Hemorrhaging during childbirth is a serious birth injury. It can be caused by many different reasons, including medical negligence. A hemorrhage lawyer can build a strong case and seek fair compensation for the family.
Hemorrhage may occur in areas of the brain that affect cognitive and motor function, such as the cerebellum or the spleen. Such injuries can result in a lifetime of medical costs and emotional distress for the family. Hemorrhages can also occur in the skull, which is known as intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).
A hematologic injury may also involve the lungs or other parts of the body. These injuries can have long-term implications for the mother as well as the child. They can lead to chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, fecal incontinence, and more.
While most hemorrhages are minor, they can be life-threatening. They can include slight bleeding from a shaving nick or the appearance of a bruise due to blood beneath the skin (which is why some hemorrhages are bluish). Bleeding during labor and delivery can also be deadly for the baby.
Doctors may commit a medical error that leads to hemorrhaging, including failing to monitor a high-risk pregnancy or not recommending a C-section when it is clearly necessary. Nurses, anesthesiologists, and other health care professionals can also commit mistakes that cause hemorrhaging.
A top hemorrhage lawyer will investigate the details of your case to determine if medical negligence played a role in your child’s injuries. They will gather medical records and bills, expert opinions, and other evidence to create a strong claim. They will then file the lawsuit and manage every step of the legal process, ensuring all documents are filed properly and within your state’s specific deadlines. They will work to settle your IVH case out of court if possible, or will take it to trial when a settlement cannot be reached.
Newborn seizures are often a result of brain injuries during labor and delivery. They can also be caused by medication, infection and other factors. If your child suffers a birth injury that leads to seizures and you believe it was caused by medical malpractice, it’s important to contact an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer will help you gather the medical records needed for your case and provide access to medical experts who can review them.
Birth injuries are devastating to families. They can cause health problems that last a lifetime and even cut a life short. A legal claim can help families recover the financial support they need to provide a good quality of life for their children. An attorney who specializes in newborn seizures can help ensure you have the best chance of winning a settlement that addresses all of your losses.
Proving negligence and causation in a medical malpractice lawsuit can be complicated. A skilled birth injury attorney will carefully examine your medical records and determine the best course of action. They will collect and analyze evidence including hospital invoices, deposition transcripts and expert opinions. In cases involving birth injuries that lead to seizures, these professionals can help you secure compensation for your child’s suffering and damages.
It’s important to note that a successful birth injury claim can only be filed against those who owed you and your child a duty of care during labor and delivery. Doctors and other medical staff working in a hospital owe their patients a standard of care established by laws, internal policies and professional guidelines. Failure to act within this standard can constitute medical malpractice that leads to devastating consequences for both mother and infant.
Birth Defects
The birth of a child is a significant day in the lives of families. But unfortunately, the experience can sometimes turn into a nightmare when complications arise that result in serious, long-lasting injuries. When such conditions are caused by medical negligence, families may have the right to file a claim for compensation.
A Kansas City birth injury attorney specializing in medical malpractice cases can help parents understand their legal options and protect the rights of their children. They will thoroughly assess the details of each case and consult with medical experts to build a strong claim. They will then fight to ensure that the affected family receives fair compensation for their medical expenses, ongoing healthcare costs, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and lost income.
Birth defects can be the result of a number of factors. They can be pre-existing conditions that a baby is born with, or they can occur due to the pregnancy and delivery process itself. For example, a lack of oxygen during labor can lead to a variety of long-lasting birth injuries like cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy.
Often times, medical malpractice is the cause of birth injuries and defects. This includes medication errors, surgical negligence, misdiagnosis, and failure to perform a C-section when necessary. When obstetricians, nurses and mid-wives are negligent during the delivery process they can be held accountable for any resulting damages.
Parents who suspect their child has been injured due to medical negligence should immediately contact a medical malpractice attorney. There are time limits, known as statutes of limitations, for filing these claims, so it’s important to act promptly. Contacting an experienced attorney as soon as possible will help ensure that the legal process is handled properly and that a fair settlement can be obtained.